The Night is Miraculous

Author: crescendo

Rated: PG

We run through foggy marshes

of miracles

laughing in the mist

everything around us is vague

but, what can we do, the night is miraculous

we are in love

Behind our prancing feet

there is a band of pristine silk

it is a trail of our travels in the miracle

it is the fine silk of memories

woven by the silkworms; the synapses

we know that these visions will fade with time;

all memories do (should we hold back?)

but, what can we do, the night is miraculous

we are in love

When I first saw you

in the tundra of my life

your eyes were so bright that

they filled my entire vision

I could see nothing else.

your spirit came to me

it came as a key

a great brass skeletan key; devoid of devotion

were you, too, searching?

your key filled the hole in my heart

I heard a click in my body, it was you

I was alive

like a doll, I turned flesh

all of these realizations are dangerous

but, what can we do, the night is miraculous

we are in love

When you unlocked me, I was suddenly opened

the rusty doors were pulled back, I was revealed

the password of adoration crumbled my mask. Here I am, a puny being!

I was frightened of actualization

but you thought I was beautiful.

such a great password, it gave you total access

the encryption stripped, I am exposed

all securities fallen, all gates unlocked,

I stand before a new world of my viewing

I am naked, and not afraid

I am in peril, and I do not care

though invisible, love is a powerful sheild

with it's confidence, I need no faux mask

what should happen if destiny fails?

Even stars decay

but, what can we do, the night is miraculous

we are in love

Even for all of my shortcomings,

you still revere me

you place me on crumbling pedestals

even love can bring falsehood

I reach down and pull you up with me

now we both stand upon a pedestal

star-crossed lovers for everyone to scrutinize

we are equal; we are one

I want nothing more

yet, still, you insist I am your citadel

if I am your citadel, then you must be mine

we have saved ourselves from certain destruction

Two great pillars, side-by-side, arcing toward heaven,

our arms sweeping the celestial bodies.

what should we do if ever our buildings topple down?

We would be ruined... (should we stop?)

but, what can we do, the night is miraculous

we are in love

What should we do if ever our buildings topple down?

My love, we shall rebuild them again

after all, what can we do, the night is miraculous

we are in love

we are in love.