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Competition: Christmas Stalkings
Posted on Sunday December 07, 2003 at 17:37 by crystal_rose
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Xmas Competition Runner Up:Most Popular Story - December 2003 
Runner Up: Most Popular Story - December 2003

Season: Alternate Reality
Main Characters: Mamoru/Darien, Usagi/Serena

Genre: General, Humour, Romance

Rated: PG13
Status: Completed

Christmas story competition entry.
All prologues for all entrants will be the same as per rules of the competition. All additional chapters will be the author's own work.

"A romantic comedy about a guy, a girl, an information booth, and a sexually frustrated dog thrown in the mix." --original summary.

After single-handedly destroying the Santa Claus house at the mall, Serena is reassigned to the information booth to work with none other than Darien. Sparks (and insults) fly, as Serena and Darien try to fight their mutual attraction. Christmas shopping leads to stalking, and soon, the stalker becomes the stalkee. What happens when you throw a sexually frustrated dog into the mix? Read to find out.

PG13 for language. Romance, Comedy and everything in between.

Number of Chapters: 6          Total Size: 83k          Word Count: 14,904

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daisybell - Thursday July 08, 2010 at 19:02
:) very cute i know it is only july and i should of read this story at Christmas time but it was such a cute Christmas in July story!! i loved the rhyme in the third chapter.
silvermage2000 - Saturday December 29, 2007 at 19:10
This was fun. And a cute christmas story. I feel sorry with serena dealing with the kids though. Lucky she got out of that. Darien's gift was different. And the negaverse part was funny.
Megan1502 - Tuesday November 28, 2006 at 23:21
Great chrissy sotry. I love the tiara, rock and fish hook idea, great plot and wording.
earthfirewindwater - Saturday October 14, 2006 at 02:13
cute! It is a great story I loved it! Then again I like all your stories I read. I liked the epilogue about the negaverse celebrating christmas. and Serenas father chasing Darien! It was hilarius great job!!!
AuroraNight - Saturday April 15, 2006 at 21:52
That was officially the funniest Christmas story ever! I laughed so hard during the dog scene that my brother cane in to see what high I was on. And then I made him read it and we both cracked up together... Your story helped us bond as brother and sister, we actually agreed on how funny that scene was- so thank you for that once-in-lifetime moment:)
*snicker* Um... why did the sexually frustrated dog listen to Darien?
cittykat21 - Wednesday July 13, 2005 at 14:26
Hahaha, I love the last chapter. There were a few spelling mistakes, but other than that, an enjoyable story. I loved the twist of humour at the end.

Good work.
Anonymous - Saturday February 26, 2005 at 20:18
nice story. i especially like the last chapter with the negaverse. i thought it was hilarious. wonderful job.
lingy - Monday January 24, 2005 at 19:55
Argh, I can't believe I never reviewed this story.
Well, here goes...
I really loved it, REALLY. It was witty (dry but not pompously so), funny and a joy to read - I never laughed as much in my life as when Usagi found herself in the ally with the dog. And it is a nice change to see a arrogant Mamo, most authors portray him as a simpering lovesick fool (*cough*).

I will mention nothing about your mechanics, oh goddess of grammer, but I will say it ended too abruptly. At least, I thought so. But since it was for a competition, and you probably ran out of time, I will not harbor too much disappointment at that.
To sum up my ramblings, it was fabulous, and I hope you write more comedy in the near future.
sakaoru - Wednesday December 29, 2004 at 05:45
aww! dat was a really cute story. lol.
brat - Thursday July 15, 2004 at 14:44
I have one word for this story: FUNNY. You should write an add on to it.
Anonymous - Sunday May 09, 2004 at 04:17
It `was` funny, i love the epilouge and prolouge the best. The rest? Hmm... maybe.. Teasing! it was good.
Moonbabe - Friday April 09, 2004 at 21:40
Its very cutsey, and I needed that laugh especially because I am sick and bed-ridden!! Thanx for the humours.
Sailor_Celestia - Friday April 09, 2004 at 07:10
Fantastic.This was one of the best stories I've read.(and there are a few i really like.)
Lavendermc - Sunday February 08, 2004 at 22:51
LOL!!! So funny and cute!! Keep at it!!! :P
austin - Saturday January 10, 2004 at 21:12
I finally got a chance to read your story. I loved it . It was such a fun christmas story.
Sailor_Angel - Friday January 09, 2004 at 10:02
*lmao* Nice ending ;) *snicker* I laughed throughout most of the story, and the dog... *roflmho* And the title was well chosen, sounds almost like Stockings. Any more wonderful work coming from you soon?
RENA630 - Saturday January 03, 2004 at 06:45
Crystal Rose I Loved it completely!! It was funny, romantic and page turning all at the same time! You truely amaze me * Bows Down at your feet* You are indeed one of my role modles along with Dan Brown and Jude Deveraux! Now I have to rush off and read 6 degrees which I am ashamed to admit I have not read yet!!! YIKES!

DaeDreamer - Sunday December 28, 2003 at 06:03
Cute. Short. Sweet. Funny. Great read! Expecially like the epilogue!
Red_Elephant - Tuesday December 23, 2003 at 11:57
This is cute but it kind of felt rushed to me. Also, I'm not a big fan of alternate fics based around the whole 'she found out, he found out' senario and it didn't feel christmasy. That said, i loved the chemistry you built in the first chapter so all in all, i enjoyed it.
teresa - Monday December 15, 2003 at 22:33
Oh, by the way! Very clever title too! :D

*feels bashful for leaving a second consecutive review*
teresa - Monday December 15, 2003 at 22:31
Hahahahaha the gifts were hilarious!!! But I guess it's the sentiment that counts eh? ;) Great idea, great story! Love the epilogue too!!! :)
Ariel - Sunday December 14, 2003 at 03:44
Fantastic!!! I laught troughout the storie. It was so good!!!
DBZ - Saturday December 13, 2003 at 17:35

This is really amazing. It was so cute and sweet and made my heart melt at the end when Darien finally told Serena and gave her the cute presents.

And the little Negaverse ending was great. I LOVED this fic. It was truly amazing and it's the first Sailor Moon fic I've read in a LONG time.

*is practicing not using '!' after every sentence*
Wreath_of_Roses - Wednesday December 10, 2003 at 03:29
Wonderful as usual CR! The humping dog was good, but it just didn't have the same flare as the drunk, gay bears. Maybe you should try a mouse with a megalomania complex. (Are you pondering what I'm pondering Pinky?)

Anyway your stories are always a joy to read; but you know that! So I won't say anymore so as to further inflate your ego!

Do you think Beryl perfers sweet potatoes or yams?
MoonBABIsTaRshines - Wednesday December 10, 2003 at 02:51
Soooo cute! and I like the ending. Sooo funny and cute! ^^
ANGELBLOOD - Wednesday December 10, 2003 at 01:50
...I'll just send you a pm of my review ^^
sweet-_-silence - Tuesday December 09, 2003 at 23:06
fantastic story! you managed to take all the traditional elements of sailor moon, add your own quirky twist and jam it all into one very original sugary christmas story. i especially liked the epilogue. keep up the brilliant work.
happy holidays! ^_^
Ezza - Tuesday December 09, 2003 at 13:15
loved it!!!
k-chan - Tuesday December 09, 2003 at 03:44
Brilliant and hilarious!! *thumbs up* Can't wait for more *grin* Well done, CR!!
xobebitaxo - Monday December 08, 2003 at 17:31
Absolutely brilliant!
Lovely story. It flowed so easily great job. I loved her gift, plastic tiara fish hook rock so very romantic. The epilogue shakes head my God i laughed so much with that heh great job and a merry Christmas to you
Silvery_Moonlight - Monday December 08, 2003 at 05:38
This was a great story! It was hilarious and a wonderful way to lift spirits for the christmas season. I liked the way they stalked one another, especially the bit with the horny dog. Love your work!
dania_knight02 - Monday December 08, 2003 at 05:01
My favorite part is Darien's gift to Serena! The gift was so sweet and thoughtful! I found Serena's father hilarious. He totally reminds me of a typical father with a shotgun. I'm trying to review and trust me, I stink at it...this is the best I can say with words because your story ROCKED!
Usagi - Monday December 08, 2003 at 03:41
I stayed up past my bed time to finish this story :P

Dear goodness in a beef stew.

I luaghed. I mean I LUAGHED. I always see those "santa's helpers" and can't help but relay a sense of passing pity to them. The thing with the dog o.o . I hafd to stop reading to go luagh. No wmy sides hurt >>
but seriosly Crystal Rose you pulled this off. It was sweet yet unbelievably funny. *breathes* I'm still snickering about all the funny things in this story. Thank you for my last bit of enertainment before I have to return back to scool monday >< *hats off to your wicked yet EXTREMELY creative sense of humour* :)

*hugs* thank you for the free fanfiction. ;__; cuase if you charged this time of year I'd be so broke.
Teffers - Monday December 08, 2003 at 02:49
Wonderful... I loved it. I love the Christmas season, and stories related to the Christmas Season, so you can see why I loved your story. I especially liked the gift... *sighs*
It was very quirky and fun too... ahh, pure comedy with the generals and all that jazz.
Good job, keep it up!
serenity4eva - Sunday December 07, 2003 at 23:36
Great story! A fun and hilarous twist fro Queen Beryl and her generals...LOL......
Aria - Sunday December 07, 2003 at 22:28
Excellent. The dialogue was fast and witty. The story was well paced and effortlessly funny. There was one thing that bothered me. Shinto and Buddhism are two different religions. I felt that the ending was a little rushed, but other than that it's a great read.

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