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Story: Tricking Desire
Posted on Saturday November 05, 2005 at 08:27 by G-Star
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Members Crossovers Winner:Most Popular Story - November 2005 
Winner: Most Popular Story - November 2005

Season: Alternate Reality
Main Characters: Usagi/Serena

Genre: Drama, Romance

Rated: R
Status: Incomplete

Can one be so bold as to trick desire? Would you dare try if the person you wanted most was already bound by the covenant of marraige? Or would you give your body to him night after night knowing that it could never lead to anything...? Ever.

...Could you do it?

Number of Chapters: 2          Total Size: 29k          Word Count: 5,174

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lexie_06 - Wednesday December 05, 2007 at 22:24
wow! steamy! when are you going to add more! im at the edge of my seat. hope to read more soon!
moonwaltz - Friday August 25, 2006 at 04:40
wooww.. that's all that i can say ahhahahaha i love this story ! >_< cant wait for the next chap!
usagi_mamoru4ever - Saturday May 27, 2006 at 05:05
*laughs* i like this story, when you have time, update!! ^_^
xMoon_Princessx - Sunday February 26, 2006 at 02:33
-_- ughhhh....whats taking u so long to update godammit!!!



AND BY NOW I MEAN RITE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


WRITE DAMMIT WRITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Destiny_4always - Thursday November 24, 2005 at 00:15
One word Love, WOW
it was amazing, a true artist! Magnifico!
Loki - Monday November 21, 2005 at 04:22
One word -- scintillating.

WISE: I thought your story thus far extremely good reading: hot with a good narrative style, vocabulary good, though I thought you used a couple of repeat phrases and terms a little too often, but not enough to spoil the power of your fic. I love the characters, they have real power and presence and the scene in the coat room, sheer brilliance. I also found the sultry and erotically charged descriptions in the office hit the mark perfectly. So great characterisation over-all and dialogue effective.

I do have some advice for you re-your proofing, or lack thereof, (sorry) ^_^ In the prologue and first chapter you have a few typos and missing words and one or two other flaws. If you are relying on a spell check I would suggest a close reading and edit through story manager. It is otherwise perfect. But too often people let themselves and their readers down by not cleaning these errors up. Please do this as you have a fantastic gift and it would be a shame if you left these matters unattended.

But over-all, Congrats on a truly engaging story! *hands you a dozen hot-pink roses and bows* L. A Moon Cat is forever WISE, love your story!

xMoon_Princessx - Saturday November 12, 2005 at 01:25
o0o0o cant wait for the next update!!! ^^ good job with the story!
bluz - Wednesday November 09, 2005 at 01:23
Yey, and I’m really happy that you’ve updated

Ouch, I wouldn’t know how it would feel to be kicked in the crotch, but I do know that it would hurt, but since he was already hard, then that just made the pain even worse.

The sex scene was good, it really was, one of the best I’ve read in a good minute.

I was reading ( off course (lol) ) and I was wondering how does he look like, since you never mention it, if you did, then I must of missed it.

Now the question you know that I’ve been dying to know, who.......... is........... she.........
I have to know. I’m inching to know. Lol. What I do know is that she’s very close to Serena, which doesn’t really help.
Anonymous - Tuesday November 08, 2005 at 20:59
I loved it! It was great! If you don't write, I'm pretty sure a couple hundred of us will track you down and force you in front of your computer screen! hehe! Good Job!
Darrien_4_Serena - Tuesday November 08, 2005 at 09:33
what do u want me to say? well im so excited to see what comes! i love the charcters u chose! cant wait for more!
DBZ - Monday November 07, 2005 at 15:41
Wow, wonderfully written, especially the first part. It was a new side of Trunks. ^^ It was gripping, in a way. You left just enough mystery to get our attention. The only thing I noticed was that there was a sudden lack of descriptions and details in the second half.

Anyway, awesome chapter! It was very interesting. (my only question... who is he married to? I wanna know that. xD)
Darrien_4_Serena - Sunday November 06, 2005 at 07:10
that was amazing! i loved it please continue! i really like it!
red_rose18 - Saturday November 05, 2005 at 17:34
oo great story!! It is beautifully written and now I want to know who the "she" was they were talking about in the end!
Anonymous - Saturday November 05, 2005 at 14:43
that was an incredible first chapter. The grammar was good, it was understandable and you could picture it all clearly in your mind!
bluz - Saturday November 05, 2005 at 14:26
i love it, seriously it had inching for more. Trying to figure out what was going on, who this Trunk person really, is the lover that she was dancing with and off course..... Whoses her?

i soooooooo can't wait til the next chapter, cuz this story is too great, to not have another chapter coming out.
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