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Story: The Crystal Winter
Posted on Saturday March 11, 2006 at 15:33 by Adins
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Members Stories Season: Sailor Moon R
Main Characters: Mamoru/Darien, Usagi/Serena

Genre: Action, Drama, General

Rated: PG13
Status: Completed

In the 30th Century when Neo-Queen Serenity rules from the utopia of Crystal Tokyo the world is united, prosperous, and at peace. Yet, a sinister power is rising in the West. The small religious nation of Lua Petra has declared war. Prince Diamond's unrest will fling Crystal Tokyo into chaos, sundering the world of the future and irrevocably changing the world of the past as well ...

"The Crystal Winter" is a prequel to Sailor Moon R and chronicles the last few moments of peace in Crystal Tokyo before the coming of Nemesis.

Number of Chapters: 5          Total Size: 68k          Word Count: 11,754

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princesa_angelbebe - Monday May 19, 2008 at 07:17
I loved this story, it may not have been long but it didn't leave any important details out. I hope to read more of your stories soon :)
ButtaUsagi - Sunday October 15, 2006 at 06:14
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG...WHAT A STORY WHAT A STORY! MAN DID U HIT THE SPOT! I have read so many fan fictions in my life time and not many have touched that holy spot of pre-R and you just did. I am a big fan now! The writing was immaculate, imagery was superb and the description was excellent! There is no words to discribe the story and i give it a F***ING 100% lmao..... NOw U SHOuLD HAVE CONTINUED IT BUT ITS UP TOO U N I'M BEHIND U ALL THE WAY!
-Butta Usagi
Anonymous - Wednesday May 10, 2006 at 18:07
One word...Awsome!
Loki - Thursday May 04, 2006 at 00:29
What an exciting and original approach to SM!

WISE, very few flaws, just the odd typo, but that paled to the power of the narrative and the the imagery you invoked.


Where to start -- a fantastic chapter, characterisation and the dialogue excellent. the flow was rapid and yet lost nothing of its magic and power -- a great job. *hands you a crystal sword and bows* L.
Loki - Saturday March 25, 2006 at 03:44
Congrats once again Adins for another classic winning chapter

WISE, sas for flaws, only some stray typos, but all-in-all, it was fantastic. I really enjoyed reading it, the color, descriptions and Tux and the Senshi were great, sheer magic bud! *bows and hands you a crystal sword*
Critika - Thursday March 23, 2006 at 17:12
I'm sorry to hear that you're already thinking of the end of the story because I think this plot has a lot of promise. You've brought out details and set the scene very nicely and I'm anticipating more action in future chapters.
Loki - Wednesday March 15, 2006 at 11:42
Again, a great chapter, and the presence of Emerald I really liked. The tension was palpable as was the darkness of the enigmatic Wiseman. Great job!Atmospherics and imagery, fantastic. *hands you a sapphire sword and bows*
Loki - Monday March 13, 2006 at 03:59
You have raised the bar of SM excellence to new heights!

WISE: You know that feeling you get when you have dined with a significant other and she smiles that certain way, the atmosphere, food and the enchantment have reached a heady climax? Well this story has the same effect on me. _a little tweak for tiny flaws_ Aside from that, the concept is magnificent and imaginative. Endymion and Serenity -- love her athletic leap before her unexpected transformation -- I loved the way you opened with a meeting of representatives of the new realm dealing with the deadly enemy threatening peace on the planet.

The dialogue and characterisation was so cool. Humor second to none, Ami, Sere and Endy revealed the SM magic flare for humor, I could have sworn Lady Naoko was channelling through your hand, this is a fic no SM fan should miss, high praise I know, but it is witty, funny, visually top rate and the scenario you weave is truly ambrosia from the creative well of your inner muse -- she brews for us a fine vintage. In other words, this story is first rate.

Just one question, will you be bringing Luna, Artemis and Diana into the narrative? I hope so as they are important characters in their own right and I love them!

In closing, I feel this story is a classic in carnate! Congratulations Adins for creating for us a masterstroke of great storytelling genius on your part. *hands you a crystal pen and bows* L.
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