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Story: Final Exam
Posted on Friday March 17, 2006 at 11:16 by Dejana
AIMod Download Enabled
Members Stories Rated: G
Status: Completed

Based on the anime version of Sailor Stars. If Mamoru wasn't expecting Usagi to see him off at the airport, why did he have the ring with him?

Written to fill a plothole pointed out by blueshimmer in the "Moonie Pet Peeves" forum on ASMR.

Number of Chapters: 1          Total Size: 11k          Word Count: 2,004

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Anja - Monday June 05, 2006 at 06:35
That was a very nice way of filling in that plot hole. Sweet, romantic, touching....good job! It seemed very real, as though we as readers were actually seeing what Mamoru was thinking in those moments waiting, hoping for Usagi to show up. I enjoyed reading that. Thank you for this piece!
LadyLace - Sunday April 30, 2006 at 17:36
That was really cute, I enjoyed it a great deal. Keep up the good work.
aman_akira - Friday April 21, 2006 at 19:36
This was very nicely written. It's been a while since I last delved into SM fanfiction, but the title of this story was appealing (It being exam season and all ^^).

I haven't seen the star series, but I enjoyed your protrayal of Usagi and Mamoru; especially the depth of both charcters. Which was a nice treat considering that this was short piece.
mythling - Monday April 10, 2006 at 01:16
aw, so cute ^.^
Adamina - Tuesday March 21, 2006 at 06:47
Mamoru is deeper than he seems on television! THAT is the purpose of this story!

And, of course, the fact that Usagi and Mamoru have been proven, time and time again that they belong with each other. That is also the purpose of this story.

But most of all, the purpose of THIS story is to make me feel all warm and fluttery inside. Although I do feel their pain. I nearly wanted to cry for Mamoru -- I know what it's like being shipped off to some hellion place (even though Mamoru was voluntarily going to Harvard... but he, instead, DID go to some hellion place, didn't he? And poor Usagi doesn't know what she's in for...).

But it did make me feel glowing. And I enjoy stories that do that. Excellent piece, Dejana. Don't quit. We need more writers like you.

Tah for now!
Loki - Sunday March 19, 2006 at 15:51
Hey Dejana, you have proven to us once again how much a talented writer you really are, like every spring the Cherry Blossoms re-emerge, your stories are forver blooming and though we know they are perfection, they are always fresh and exciting and this is true of all your work. Salutations! *hands you a basket of Cherry Blossoms and bows* L.
cittykat21 - Sunday March 19, 2006 at 11:05
That was wonderful. Together forever.
crazzieblue - Sunday March 19, 2006 at 08:16
wow, that was really beautiful. I love the imagery and diction. You really painted a picture perfectly for me. Just wow. It is a great interpretation of the stuff that happened in the scene that we don't see. Great Job!
misty_fur - Sunday March 19, 2006 at 00:30
Really well written. I was able to picture the scene clearly and you could image all the self doubts racing through his mind.

Looking forward to your next story.
Darrien_4_Serena - Saturday March 18, 2006 at 07:06
loved it, not to sappy and thats the way i like it!
D4S xoxoxox
Moon_Destiny - Friday March 17, 2006 at 20:11
Oh! That was so perfect and so cute. But not too cute or cheesy. It fits so well into the anime as well. I love your writing style. There's just so much info to it, but you don't feel bombarded with facts. The characterization was also nicely done. Usagi was still Usagi, but a bit matured. Mamoru was still a cool, confident guy who you could tell was in love, but it didn't make you want to gag. The whole story was just presented so well. Fantastic work!
lexie - Friday March 17, 2006 at 12:54
That was really cute. I know from experience that it is so hard to say good-bye to the one you love, even if it isn't forever. Just knowing that you wont be able to see them everyday can be depressing. I love this story.
kocurka - Friday March 17, 2006 at 12:50
Good observation, didn't notice or think why Mamoru would have the ring with him. An enjoyable read ^^
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