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Story: Serenity of Golden Hair
Posted on Wednesday March 22, 2006 at 10:37 by Loki
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Members Stories Season: Alternate Reality
Main Characters: Mamoru/Darien, Usagi/Serena

Genre: Angst, Fantasy, Romance, Supernatural

Rated: R
Status: Completed

Falling under the power of an ancient curse, Serenity sleeps and as she does, powerful forces fight for control not only of the White Moon, but for the soul of Princess Serenity, will she prevail?

(Based loosely on the myth of Rapunzel and a prequel to Akitsubata and the Crystal Flower)

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Number of Chapters: 20          Total Size: 391k          Word Count: 69,883

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ladymooncat - Friday October 17, 2008 at 18:40
Stunning. Is all I can say.
As much as I hate to see this [like Aki... *mourns Aki*] end, you wrapped it all up brilliantly.
And do I hear the word sequel? :O
To be honest with you Loki, your reviews just write themselves out of the brilliance of your stories.
This story didn't write itself, you and your talented, original and wonderful knack for creating stories made this tale, and I loved every second of it.
ladymooncat - Monday August 04, 2008 at 17:43
Okay, first an apology Loki-san. I promised myself that I would only read this when I had the time to read it all, and be able to appreciate it all in all its splendor.
And after a long time of waiting...
I finally have that time!
And good lord was it worth the wait :D
I absolutely love this story, it is just exquisite and I am absorbed within a few sentences.
And I did spot the reference to myself ^^ *blush*
To be mentioned in one your stories is nothing short of honourable to be honest!
I love the inclusion of Setsuna, and the relationship she shares with Endymion, that has always fascinated me. I love the fact that Luna is Serenity's sister, not just a guardian. And most of all, I really love your portrayal of Beryl, she is stunning in this.
I am intrigued to hear more, I want to see how Endymion and Serenity end up, although given the current situation it looks highly impossible for them to be together :[
And the Queen as a Senshi! Wonderfully creative ^^
This is flowing as smoothly as always, making it even more enjoyable, I can't wait for an update!
And in the four, five chapters I just read, I found very few mistakes but all of the same nature. Which was that you hadn't put capital letters at the beginnings of a couple of names.
E.G "so vast and alien to beryl"
And that was it. Now come on, if that doesn't shout talent, what does?
*hugs and moon coffee*
Araya - Monday July 21, 2008 at 18:04
Love Love Love it!!!!

Another great epic from the master himself. The pictures you paint are magnificent and yet again, you show us devoted readers that you are a true story teller.

I look forward to reading more. :)
ladymooncat - Friday May 23, 2008 at 21:16
Haha, I'm glad you checked because this was too wonderful to miss out on! SO worth the wait!!
[Although I didn't read the first chapter *that* long ago, but it has been up for two years haha XD]
I'm not going to tell you how brilliant and talented you are Loki-san because it goes without saying :D
And your dedication was truly an honour :]
I cannot tell you how much that means to me ^^
And I cannot wait for an update!! :D :D
*many hugs and moon bunnies*
ladymooncat - Wednesday March 12, 2008 at 17:00
I don't know how I ever missed this, because I was sure I had read all of your stories, but I did, and I'm so glad I found it!
Please, please, please, PLEASE update this splendor of a story! I looked at the date it was published and saw it had been up for 2 years! So my hopes are high, to say the least =D
Any chance of blowing the moon dust off a perfect moon fic anytime soon? *crosses fingers*
Tesh-chan - Monday January 01, 2007 at 04:12
I read this all in one sitting! ^^

Wonderful work, Loki. The word that keeps going through my mind is "elegant". Your word choice is what makes me think of this word. One thing for me though is how Serenity is in love with Endymion automaticly. Actually, nevermind... the way you painted it later is a growing love relationship. I love how Luna is Serenity's sister, and her cat guardians are lovable as always. :D

The plot is going smoothly, and I'm eager to read more!

Tesh : )
galena_steel - Saturday September 23, 2006 at 08:38
Wow, that was great! Who doesn't love stories that are not only interesting and fun to read but also improve your vocab. (And my voacab can always use the help!) Technically close to perfect (as always) I think. And you have wonderful descriptions. I also love how you weave so many themes into the story - the references to familial and not so familiar legends or people adds alot of life and depth to the world.

One thought to think on - most of the time the tone of the story is very formal. Particularly the narration but also the dialogue of the characters so so I found the one or two occaisions that it slips to be more colliquial is a bit jarring. For example: Endymion's father's last word. Okay is an Americanism that was created in the 1830s. I kind of felt it didn't fit with the rest of Solaris' speech.

Thank you again for sharing your story with the rest of us. Please keep going on it - it definitely deserves any attention you can give it.
Anonymous - Wednesday September 13, 2006 at 23:33
I don't know, it's kind of boring. Grammar's almost perfect but when people have only technical writing it looses it's luster and it lacks fluidity and the 'interest' that makes a story better than others. It's a dull and boring drone that doesn't pull anybody in. I'd rather see somebody that has grammar mistakes up the wazoo but has heart (like subject to change) than see one perfect and is missing the vital organs to the story's body.
katmouse1969 - Tuesday March 28, 2006 at 17:15
Wow, that was a fantastic first chapter. Can't wait to read more.
starryice18 - Sunday March 26, 2006 at 23:25
cosmoscrystal - Thursday March 23, 2006 at 05:33
Loki - you have the gift! The story captured my interest right away. Staying true to form, you work our favorite two lovebirds wonderfully! I love the way your 'writing mind' works. Looking forward to reading more!
Celestial_Moon_Rose2 - Wednesday March 22, 2006 at 22:01
this is really good so far.....please keep the chapters coming....
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