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Not Logged InThursday February 06, 2025 - 16:46
Story: Seeking Arrangements
Posted on Thursday October 12, 2006 at 08:43 by nif
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Members Stories Season: Alternate Universe
Main Characters: Mamoru/Darien, Usagi/Serena

Genre: Action, Adventure, Mystery, Suspense

Rated: R
Status: Incomplete

Darien returns home to find his father's widow and step-daughter taking over the home he once loved. After discovering that his attraction to Rene, his step-sister is too strong to ignore, he coaxes her into a mutually beneficial relationship. However, things get complicated when secrets are revealed. Rene and Darien along with the crew get trapped in a web of deceit, betrayal, and tragedy.

Number of Chapters: 8          Total Size: 156k          Word Count: 28,486

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MISSJ902004 - Tuesday June 30, 2009 at 19:14
Wow i cant believe it...this a great story i really want to know who did it PLEASE...PLEASE UPDATE SOOOOOOOOOON!!!!!!!!
lovelyl - Saturday August 16, 2008 at 10:27
This story is just getting interesting please continue.
Britney - Thursday July 03, 2008 at 06:54
interesting story. update soon. well written
uhamilton - Wednesday April 16, 2008 at 03:38
Excellent!! More Please!!
2Twins2 - Tuesday October 02, 2007 at 13:02
Wow! In the heat of passion...this is amazing I can't wait to read and check out what the next chapter brings!
mistyrose - Thursday April 12, 2007 at 15:03
wow! you have me hooked, the storyline has a great plot to it, and it gets better with each chapter.

Hope to read the next chapter soon.
moonchild08 - Saturday April 07, 2007 at 23:21
Wow, a murder mystery. Yay! I love it so far.
becxfok01 - Friday February 09, 2007 at 19:55
Ooo, so much mystery and emotions. The plot is thickening. Pls update soon!
starryice18 - Monday November 27, 2006 at 18:18
Great story!! :)
jupiter_2005 - Thursday November 23, 2006 at 19:11
cool. i enjoyed reading this story alot. cant wait to read ur nest one.
sailorlunakitty - Thursday November 23, 2006 at 08:06
interesting chapter good twist!!
starryice18 - Monday November 20, 2006 at 14:26
Yay, another chapter!!!! :)
Gabyttita - Sunday November 19, 2006 at 22:17
update please!!!
I loved the story!!
jupiter_2005 - Sunday November 19, 2006 at 18:34
cant wait to read more!
devilsangels02 - Sunday November 19, 2006 at 17:13
hey. I like this chapter, interesting twist in the story. send in the next chapter soon.
starryice18 - Tuesday November 14, 2006 at 18:37
Yet another chapter exciting enough to keep me on the edge of my seat!!! I can hardly wait to see what happens!!! Please update again soon!!!
sailorlunakitty - Sunday November 12, 2006 at 08:28
this chapter was realy good the story keeps on getting better I love the plot of the story Im curious about whats gonna happen next!!!
Anonymous - Saturday November 11, 2006 at 07:17
started out real good , but ended kinda wierd
Fushigi_Hime - Thursday November 09, 2006 at 05:14
Well golly that was unexpected. Never would have thought that was how the killer was going to be revealed. Now I am curious as to what's going to happen in the next chapter. Keep up the good work.
jupiter_2005 - Monday November 06, 2006 at 20:09
cant wait to read more of this story. it gets better every time.
starryice18 - Monday November 06, 2006 at 18:19
Another great 2 chapters; I can't wait 'til the next update!! :)
sailorlunakitty - Monday November 06, 2006 at 03:47
luv it!!!
devilsangels02 - Monday November 06, 2006 at 01:16
wow its such a great chapter. Continue your great chapter and send in the next chapter soon!
jupiter_2005 - Tuesday October 31, 2006 at 03:33
I can't wait to read more chapters. I especially can't wait till you reveal who killed Ilene!
starryice18 - Monday October 30, 2006 at 18:29
another great two chapters; please keep it up!!! :)
sailorlunakitty - Monday October 30, 2006 at 05:03
luv it please update ASAP!!!!!!!
devilsangels02 - Monday October 30, 2006 at 01:50
hey!! Fast UPDATE but I love it so much! please send in the next chapter sooN!!
devilsangels02 - Sunday October 29, 2006 at 16:55
very nice chapter.. please send in the next chapter sooN!! UPDATE ASAP!
sailorlunakitty - Saturday October 28, 2006 at 06:41
luv it please update ASAP!!!!!!!
jupiter_2005 - Thursday October 19, 2006 at 19:04
cant wait to read more!
devilsangels02 - Monday October 16, 2006 at 19:26
hey! loved it!! please send in the next chapter sooN!!!
cosmoscrystal - Sunday October 15, 2006 at 23:59
Wow! Absolutely fantastic! I am looking forward to reading more. The plot is attention catching and the writing style is superb. You are well on your way to becoming one of AI's nexest stars!
*cc gives nif a warm handshake and welcoming greeting.*
Hugs! :)
devilsangels02 - Sunday October 15, 2006 at 18:33
i loved it.. please send in the next chapter sooN!!
Amethyst-Heart - Sunday October 15, 2006 at 15:54
I found this chapter interesting. I liked how you managed to explain the reason Darien was acting out of character in the last chapter, and Rene's thoughts were interesting, too (though I still don't see how she'd agree to something like that immediately, even if she did want to get to know him to use it against him. I really doubt their affairs at night will allow her to dig up a lot of info. I also found it interesting that she called him a manwhore when she did agree to the fling out of revenge and out of pure attraction for his body... A nice touch. I thought it was hilarious). Some of the dialogue (espeically towards the end) didn't quite fit again... It diverted from their manners of speaking in the first chapter. The flashback with Darien and the boys was an interesting touch... Though the formatting didn't make it very clear, so it took me a while to figure out that it was a flashback/memory. Also, this sentence, "It was obvious she neither, but Darien didn't have time to dwell on the thought longer." didn't make too much sense to me.

Anyway, I really enjoyed the chapter. The plot really is getting interesting. And Darien--a murderer? That guy is out of his mind. Darien wouldn't murder his father! He was lamenting the guy's death for three chapters and talking about how he missed his last days just because he was angry over the new wedding. Matthew is definitely up to something. Interesting addition to the plotline. I wonder if Ilene really believes him and if she'll tell Rene.

Anyway, you're story's really coming along. Keep writing! ^^
Amethyst-Heart - Saturday October 14, 2006 at 20:09
I really like the story's premise. I think it has incredible potential and the plot is really interesting. There are some things you might want to fix though. There were a few grammatical errors, mostly concerning punctuation. The characters are interesting (what time period is this?) and I especially love the character of Darien. You made him so complex with such an intricate history--it really adds a refreshing sense to his character. The plot is unique and I love the odd circumstances you placed before the reader in the very first chapter.

One thing, however, doesn't sit well with me. The way Darien and Rene moved from hatred to 'hatred with benefits'. It really doesn't seem that realistic. They both seem like stubborn individuals and it's no secret that they despise each other, so I really find it hard to believe that things would move that fast. I think it might have been a bit more realistic if you had had the two of them warring with each other and gradually discovering that they were attracted to each other. Also, the dialogue, when they're professing their desire for each other, doesn't really flow well with their personalities (it doesn't quite fit... Given their characteristics and the events of the story, it doesn't make sense for them to immediately tell each other 'I want you' and I really can't imagine Rene saying 'I want you, Darien. I want this').

Well, good luck with your story. I really do think it's off to a great start! You write very well, and the story's developing quite nicely. I'll be sure to look for any later installments.
devilsangels02 - Thursday October 12, 2006 at 19:29
oooh... it seems very interesting!! Please send in the next chapter sooN!!
Loki - Thursday October 12, 2006 at 18:52
Well, a new story I thought, and...a fabulous new talent! Welcome to AI Nif

WISE: I often give a broad and detailed review, so I will start off the top with a couple of minor things. I found it difficult to find any flaws save one, and that is one of a word written as alright, this form, though not a spelling mistake as such, is nonetheless incorrect and should always be written as two words, all right. But that was it. If there were other things in this first chapter, I was hard pressed to find these. spellling, structure, grammar and flow -- pure perfection.

Now to the part I love, the praise, and Nif, there is plenty. Your narrative style is lavish and complex, it can rise to dizzying heights of angst and then take a sharp turn to tender reflection and an assortment of powerful emotions. Darien thus far is compelling and I see no reason to believe that in following chapters that this will change. Rene is potent and a character of interesting contrasts, both strike the reader as fiercely as two panthers doing battle -- the shower clash was both surprising, dramatic and etched with a little humor, albeit a little dark.

Bringing me to another aspect of your writing, your vocabulary and ability to weave a narrative tapestry that holds and amazes the reader. imagery is detailed and expansive, characterisation brilliant from the opening scenes where the towns folk are talking amongst themselves -- so realistic and clever, to the brilliant interplay between mother and daughter and the tender moment where Rene and Darien in a suspended moment and off guard unbeknownst to the other exchange words at the tree...

Well, for a first time fic, on AI at least, as I suspect you have a good grounding in story craft, I think this debut is a five star winner and only convinces me more that we have a collection of some of the most exciting and gifted new writers in the SM genre on AI and these same folks could write about anything. But I want to say how much I enjoyed reading your work and look forward to much more from you with absolute rellish.

In a word, or two, *whose counting* incredibly good -- brilliant. *hands you a cluster of diamond studded roses and a crystal pen and bows* L.
starryice18 - Thursday October 12, 2006 at 17:30
Excellent so far; I can hardly wait to read the next chapters!!! :)
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