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Story: Shadow Love
Posted on Monday October 16, 2006 at 21:07 by jessicapendragon
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Members Stories Rated: G
Status: Completed

She thought she was a shadow, but she was all they had fought for, for so long.

Love was meant to shine.

Just a short one-shot for the Sailor Moon couple usually not in the limelight-- Artemis and Luna. Written for SM_Montly Challenge on LiveJournal. Dedicated to Loki! ^_^

I don't own the Sailor Moon universe.

Number of Chapters: 1          Total Size: 5k          Word Count: 815

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Anonymous - Friday November 17, 2006 at 14:49
Oh, how it makes me feel the wonder of that feeling, that moment when all your dreams are true, hard battled for. Sweet, gentle and brought a tear to my eye, it is a sweet tear for a sweet couple. beautifully written. You are fabulous.
Bethany - Saturday November 04, 2006 at 01:02
That was so lovely! You managed to get their romance down pat without it seeming too mushy. I love that you wrote a couple not often found in the limelight.

Congrats on such a beautifully written story! You have a true talent that I can only admire.
Anonymous - Monday October 30, 2006 at 14:59
Awww! that was sooo gorgeous, and may I say, very well written in that wonderful WISE tradition I hear so much about on AI and elsewhere, great guys really do take your writing so much more seriously, and it is soo refreshing! Keep it up guys... and yup kitty love is in! XD
sweet_gal_1286 - Friday October 27, 2006 at 15:59
A sweet little one-shot. I loved it! You don't get to read a lot about Luna and Artimis. It's nice to see them in the spotlight.
jenna - Thursday October 26, 2006 at 14:11
Oh my. that was sweet i almost cried. I really loved it. i cant wait to read more of your writting. You my friend have a true gift.
Loki - Wednesday October 18, 2006 at 06:45
That was truly beautiful Lady Jessica and I am honored you dedicated this sweet offering to me -- thank you

WISE: I loved the flow, the romance, the tenderness and the atmospherics of the piece, Luna and Artemis hold a special place in my heart -- my inner shrine -- and you created something wonderful here that for me melted me and gave me a warm glow and put a smile on the face of this Moon Cat, so yes, it also confirms for me what I knew all along Jessica, you are both a talented and wonderful writer and AI is most fortunate to have you as part of our community -- congratulations on another amazing piece of writing. I am proud to be your friend and editor. *hugs and a basket of yellow flowers and Luna and Artemis plushies for you, crystal pen and bows*
Anja - Tuesday October 17, 2006 at 17:28
This was very beautifully written. I was touched by the level of emotion this short tale reached, and it was truly a pleasure to read. I adore stories that focus on Luna and Artemis, since they do get so little attention, and you managed to summerize their entire relationship in just a few paragraph...well, almost the entire relationship ^^;
starryice18 - Tuesday October 17, 2006 at 14:04
Very sweet; I like it!! :)
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