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Story: The Hope of Revenge
Posted on Sunday October 22, 2006 at 11:18 by anja
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Members Stories Rated: PG13
Status: Unknown

Queen Selenity has finally established the peace she wanted, and Serenity met, learned to love, and married a man from Earth. However, Beryl returns and she has a very passionate hope for revenge...but Revenge also has a passionate hope.

Number of Chapters: 8          Total Size: 115k          Word Count: 21,181

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FFPrincess - Friday January 29, 2010 at 15:21
Anja, are you going to finish this story? =)
I hope you do!
lapetiteprincesse - Saturday May 31, 2008 at 13:50
This story is awesome. I love how there are flashbacks of Kino.I really liked him. I've got this funny feeling that Sejuko (I can't spell his name) is Kino. Is he? The way Kino just disappeared in "All's Fair in Love and War" made me believe that he wasn't really dead. I hope it's him. I also like all the Generals, especially Malachite. He's my favorite. Congratulations on your marriage! Please update soon:)
nichole - Wednesday September 05, 2007 at 21:52
This is soooo good. I've read Decided Bride, All's Fair in Love and War, and i am so excited to cont this part of the tale. I can't wait to you finish~ keep up the goood work.
SailorPheonix3 - Friday April 27, 2007 at 16:34
Oh my so much is going on. Beryl sure does weave a good web though.
Loki - Friday January 19, 2007 at 16:40
I loved the romantic tension in this chapter

WISE, it was one of your classic chapters anja that had me right there, the closeness between Jadeite and Rei, it was hot and potent, very well written.

And the rock, Malachite, who did manage to soften a tad, nice touch with that scene.

I also thought that moment where Usagi made her timely entrance both funny and cute and how she loves her food as much then as she does in any incarnation. LOL

But the atmosphere, drama and all was great, some little flaws, but nothing Lady-anja cannot take care of, it was a great read and I loved it! Salutations! *hands you a Moon Rose and bows* L.
Critika - Tuesday January 16, 2007 at 02:51
It's good to have you writing again after the holidays! I'm also glad you decided to devote some space to other characters. It wouldn't be an SM fanfiction without the other senshi and the generals taking an active role. I for one like them to act like real people in stories, not sidie characters who don't have lives of their own. All's Fair in Love and War showed all the planets' rulers having unique and strong personalities and it wouldn't do for their children to just be Usagi's guardians. Looking forward to the plot thickening - something you're really good at!
Celestial_Moon_Rose2 - Monday January 15, 2007 at 00:31
I love the fact that you added other characters.....and the fact that Lita has a crush on Motoki......I hope they become an item later on.....
Loki - Sunday January 14, 2007 at 18:36
Another suspense filled chapter Lady anja!

WISE, some little typos and such, but these are easily dealt with. The writing is excellent and the dialogue between Endymion and his jailor was cleverly done, a different accent on the scenario.

I also enjoyed the way you wrote the conversation between Setsuna and Serenity.

As always, your characterization is fabulousk, images stunning and your writing style, vocabulary and the atmosphere you weave so awesome!

This is a great story and I am anticipating the next chapter enthusiastically! Brilliant as always! *hands you a crystal scepter and a rose and bows* L.
katmouse1969 - Tuesday December 12, 2006 at 17:05
Action, suspense, and sword fighting. You have it all. Great writing. Looking forward to more. :)
Loki - Tuesday November 21, 2006 at 10:34
Action packed!

WISE, a few minor typos and such, but as far as the movement of the story and the action goes, it is fabulous!

As always, your storytelling ability comes to the fore Lady anja, and you portray Beryl really well, and Usagi and her emotions and your dialogue is also impressive. Love those sword fighitng segments, metal clashing on metal, the ducking and weaving and all. But Endy is in trouble, and I have no doubt he will find a way out! *hands you a rose and crystal Moon Sword and bows* L.
jupiter_2005 - Saturday November 11, 2006 at 02:08
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! I want to read more chapters of this story. I know what happens in the story line off the show but I want to read what you put down for the story line of Sernity/Endymion.
MG - Sunday November 05, 2006 at 03:18
oops..did i say serious? i meant series....
MG - Sunday November 05, 2006 at 02:00
i must say that I really enjoy this serious. You are doing a great job of capturing their lives in detail. The history between everyone is so deep and enthrawling. I anticipate seeing this story unfold.
SinfullySaintedAngel - Wednesday November 01, 2006 at 02:10
Great start!! I can't wait to find out what happens next.
babydee - Saturday October 28, 2006 at 17:34
your story is going very well so far keep up the good work.
cant wait for the next chapter
cosmoscrystal - Saturday October 28, 2006 at 05:46
That was a fantastic first chappie for this final installment. Anja, you've got the details well written and the editting is amazing. Looking forward to future updates.
Hugs! :)
jenna - Thursday October 26, 2006 at 14:05
in hooked. Please keep going.
starryice18 - Monday October 23, 2006 at 15:27
Yay, another part to your ongoing "legend"!!! Please hurry and write the next chaper; this looks great!!
cosmoscrystal - Monday October 23, 2006 at 02:27
Okay Anja! I'm drooling here! You've got my attention and I'm patiently awaiting the final installment to begin. Excellent prologue! you go girl! Hugs!
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