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Story: Love's Got A Hold On My Heart
Posted on Monday October 07, 2002 at 17:19 by moonflower
AIMod Download Enabled
Members Stories Season: Alternate Universe
Main Characters: Mamoru/Darien, Usagi/Serena

Genre: Romance

Rated: PG13
Status: Incomplete

Serena Lawson is a food critic with the worst luck in men and love. Just when she is about to give up on love all together, she stumbles upon Darien Lane, the owner of a hot new restaurant. Is her love life finally picking up or is it just another dead end?

Number of Chapters: 7          Total Size: 99k          Word Count: 17,730

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astro - Saturday April 16, 2005 at 16:12
it was anice story, but it had some points which seemed a little silly, as the argument she had with darien in his restaurant, and the outbursts in the park while jogging. as the coll woman you made her, around men at least, she should have a little more self controle and not let darien get to her with every little jocke he makes.
i truley hope you post more, and im looking forword to read the ending
Cecilia_the_Musican - Wednesday November 26, 2003 at 23:06
Your story was great! This is my third or fourth time reading it! lol. But what do you mean it is on hold? I'm gonna go insane just trying to guess what is going to happen...*sigh* :P

Sailor_Angel - Thursday July 10, 2003 at 08:13
I LOVE IT! PLZPLZPLZ get more out soon
arwen - Monday June 02, 2003 at 19:08
yo you can;t leave it there whats he going to do to get a date from her you have to finish it soon really soon please
UsagiSmores - Friday October 25, 2002 at 12:12
*cries and huggles her Jessie-chan* Great story! Absolutely breathtaking! It definitely had me on the edge of my seat. *takes out a box of tissue and dabs the corners of her eyes* Keep at it! Can't have this excellent talent of your's go to waste, now can we?
Anonymous - Sunday October 13, 2002 at 20:56
I love this story!
I can't wait read your next chapter.
MasacoMamoru - Friday October 11, 2002 at 12:15
NOOOOOO!!! Aww man....that was absolutely wonderful! I LOVED IT!! PLEASE.....CONTINUE SOON! T_T Must have more....

MasacoMamoru ^.~
Sailor_Sista - Tuesday October 08, 2002 at 06:43
Hmm... interesting.
Keep it comin.
Sailor Sista
Clover - Tuesday October 08, 2002 at 02:58
*pokes Jess* Looks good! Keep those chapters comin'!
SilverRunningWater89 - Tuesday October 08, 2002 at 02:15
oOo! You have to finish! I can't wait to read what happens next! You've done a good job on this story!
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