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2013-04-22 11:34 In the name of Glamour & Glitter, Fashion & Fame…- Amy Mebberson @amymebberson
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Do I need to log out when I'm done?

If you're on your personal computer and not a shared one, the answer is no. Your session will time-out after 15 minutes of inactivity.

If you are on a public or a shared compuer, please use the log out feature to completely log out of the site.
Can anyone else use my account?

Only if they have your username/password, or if you remain logged in on a shared computer.
Can I log in on more than one computer?

Yes, you can log into your account on as many computers as you like. The site will create a session cookie on that computer. This cookie will be deleted when you logout.
I can't log into my account. What's wrong?

Do you have cookies enabled in your browser configuration?
How do I find out if cookies are enabled?

Depending on what browser and what version of the browser you have, it’s different. You can usually find it in the options.
When I log in, what’s the “This is a public computer, do not create any cookies” option?

This option will use session cookies, so when you close the browser, you will be logged out of AI, adding more security when using public/shared computers.
Do you log any information?

Yes, various pieces of information are logged and stored in an archive. As a rule, this information is not viewed until something warrants it. (ie. misconduct on ratings/voting, behavioural problems such as slander, etc.)
What information do you store?

There is no sensitive information stored and no javascript routines run on any system to determine things such as screen size, etc. The only information that is stored is mandatory information passed to the server. This information includes:

I.P. Address - The unique number that is designated by the internet provider. This can determine global location of your service provider. It does NOT show where you live only the city your provider is in.

Browser - Your browser has a unique signature. Information stored within this signature can determine operating system, current browser in use, service packs, service providers, and browser add-ons.

Session I.D. - This is a unique number assigned to you when you access this site. This number remains the same until your session ends (close the browser).

Time Stamp - Every page you access is time stamped.

Visitor Location - Every page you access is logged.

User Status - Stores your user level when accessing the site. (ie. administrator, moderator, etc.)

This information is not accessible by anyone and is only accessed by administrators when deemed necessary (ie. voting disputes, slander, plagiarism, etc.).
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Copyright 2004 - Aria's Ink Sailor Moon FanFiction Archive

Sailor Moon FanFiction Stories to their respective authors.
No information must be taken from this site without expressed written permission.

Sailor Moon characters and images are copyright 1992 Naoko Takeuchi/Kodansha, TOEI Animation.
English Language Adaptation 1995 DiC Entertainment.