Who is Aria?
Aria is the owner and the webmistress of Aria's Ink, naturally. She is a wife, mother, and writer and sometimes masquerades around town as a shoe addict. |
Where does Aria live?
Aria resides in England with her family, but used to live in Canada. |
How long has AI been around?
For the extremely curious ones, AI has been around since exactly Tue Jan 16 04:43:30 2001 but in a much different format. The original version housed solely Aria's Sailor Moon fan fictions. The AI of 2005 boasts a thriving, functional online community, now comprised of stories of submitted by its members and the forums. |
How long has Aria been writing?
Since most of you were in diapers. |
So that makes Aria…65 years old?
Close. Try 27. |
When will Aria turn 28?
May 4th. Gifts are preferred in monetary form and can be paypal-ed to ladyjsolo@hotmail.com. ;) |
I've noticed that you use a few foreign languages in your stories. How many do you know?
Three. In order of fluency: English, Thai and French. |
Where is Sweet Revenge?
Sweet Revenge is now a full-fledged novel that you can learn more about here. It underwent a title change and is called Playing the Game. |
So that means Aria is published?
Yes, Aria is published: Playing the Game is currently her only published novel. |
When will the next book come out?
An announcement will be made as soon as there's something to make an announcement about. She is always working on her next project. |
How often does Aria check her email?
Often. However, please note that Aria receives several hundred emails weekly. Please give her enough time to answer. Also, do your part by making sure you give her enough information in the email (should you have a question or a problem). Check your spam/bulk folder and make sure you're accepting email from aria@ariasink.com. |
How long does it take you to write a story?
It depends. Some days I'll be able to write pages and pages while others I can't think of thing to write. The shortest time would have to be for Realizations; that took me just under an hour. The longest would be Once a Millennium; that took me a year and three months. |