Thursday 31st March 2005
Main Menu
Main Index
Site Help
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New Stories
Usako in Tokyo
The Dream Ends
A Moment
I, Ginzuishou
Beneath All Truths
Seeing You
A Different Story
Mortalize Me
A Bewitching New Year

New Chapters
Dark Kingdom Transgressi...
Happily Ever After or So...
La Femme Serena
A Knight for Uranus
Cruelty of Fate
Crux and Crevice
Atonement - Rei's Story
The Four Horsemen
Letting Go
The mystery of red silk
The Apartment
Mystic Bay
Looking For Love
One for the Moon
Pretty Soldiers
The Odango and the Baka
Fall From Grace

New PDF Books
My Best Friend's Story
Evil's Delight
Remembering Time
A Grail?!?
The Human Stain
Never Say Goodbye
Embracing the Rain

Maps Updated
Thursday March 03, 2005

The appearance of the map in member profiles, as well as the geomap, has been changed. Hopefully you will find this more attractive than how it used to look.
Thursday March 10, 2005

Larger avatars can now be uploaded to the site. It is now acceptable to upload images up to 100x100 pixels. The maximum size is 100 pixels in any direction. If the image is not symmetrical, then it will be resized so that the largest side is 100 pixels or less for example if you have an avatar that is 120x80 then it will be resized to 100x66, if you upload one that is 80x60 it will remain that way. It will no longer looked squished, as the system will account for that. Avatar file size has also been increased to accept files up to 50kb, this should now make it more flexible for your images.
Easter Egg Hunt 2005
Tuesday March 29, 2005

This year there were 153 members who participated in the hunt; finding a total of 1,229 eggs. A total of 65 members found all 12.

The AI Egg Masters of 2005 are:

Fushigi_Hime, Ashlee_A, AGrinLikeRoadkil, PsychoBunny, DBZ, kyuui, amethyst-heart, sereneprincess, selenis, smurf88, kiby, Lady_Artemis, ANGELBLOOD, Chelsea, rampant_desire, Sailor_Angel, lingy, Fallenangel, ladysolo, earthprincess666, MissAndrony, sugarlily, Dejana, Gladys_Jean, kireisnowtenshi, Eternal_Bob, Nara1116, Demonic_Angel, neomercuria01, Lavendermc, Kon, MoonAngl5, Syrinx, bethany, SerraDee, jennie, Alisai, Aisys, moonflower, ChibiJ, angelgrl185, Bgatorgirl86, hersheykisses, Redroses, BlackCat, Kastallia, Prinzess_of_Light, Coyote_gurl, nala, Soluna, StarGoddess, Kawaii_Tenshi, crystal_rose, coconut, Kimmi-chan, WhiteCrow, listen, usako_rose, Sabra, Serafina, tennyo, Aglaia, crazzieblue, hotglittergal18, usagi, Labyrinth

Congratulations to you all.

Hot Stories
Wednesday March 02, 2005

You'll find a new section in the menu. The 'Hot Stories' list is a live list reflecting what members are reading right now. It's in order of member popularity and is compiled using the story tracking list. Since it is live it will change every time a story is read.
Time Zone Adjustment
Wednesday March 30, 2005

You can now adjust the time so that the site will show your local time. Just go into your profile, click on personal menu and you’ll find the time zone option there.
Two New Forums
Wednesday March 30, 2005

In the interest of tidying up the Writer’s Network forum, I’ve created two new forums.

WOTD and the Story Challenges have their own forums now for easier navigation.

March's Contributing Authors
Thursday March 31, 2005

Aglaia with La Femme Serena and The Human Stain
AliciaBlade with Usako in Tokyo and Seeing You
Amethyst-Heart with Embracing the Rain
Aria with Never Say Goodbye
Ashlee_A with Mortalize Me
DTTs with Looking For Love
Deadly_Diva with Happily Ever After or So...
Dejana with Shattered and I, Ginzuishou
KatrinaKadabra with A Knight for Uranus
Kiloa with Letting Go
Kittycat with The Odango and the Baka
Lara with Attraction
LunaHope with Dark Kingdom Transgressi...
Midnight16 with Cruelty of Fate
Pyro_Knightess with My Best Friend's Story and Evil's Delight and Remembering Time
Redroses with Mystic Bay
Rhiannon with The Dream Ends
Serafina with The Four Horsemen
Serenity-Venna with One for the Moon
Shelliebelle with Rain and Shine and Beneath All Truths
Silver_MoonAngel with A Bewitching New Year
SlrEuropa with Rouge
Sokudoningyou with Shunshin and A Different Story and Pretty Soldiers
angekani with A Moment
carley9 with Fall From Grace
hobbit with The Apartment
kiby with Turtle!
lingy with Crux and Crevice and Acquiescence
madamhawke with The mystery of red silk
sailorknight with Atonement - Rei's Story and A Grail?!?

The 5 Ws
Thursday March 31, 2005

A new challenge has been issued, check it out here!

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