A Few New Additions
Date: Thursday October 10, 2002 at 17:42
Topic: News

Hiya Everyone!

Ok I've been making some modifications to the site. I can't remember them all, but here are the major ones.

1. Members List has been changed. By default it now shows the active members. You can click on All Members to see the obvious.

2. Paging system has been created to let you know when you have received a new private message. This can be turned off in your profile.

3. Disable account. You can now disable an account on your own. Once it is disabled you CANNOT get it back so don't ask.

4. There are some new smilies thanks to the Mod Squad. They thought we should have more of them to play with.

5. And this is what I can't remember. ^^;; I blame the old age...

Anywho, there's some stuff for you to play with (just don't PLAY with #3)



This article comes from Arias Ink

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