The Switching of a Princess
Date: Sunday October 13, 2002 at 04:07
Topic: Members Stories

Two weeks after the twin moon princess' were born, the
one Princess Serenity was stolen in the night. Quietly the member's of the moon council are called to a secret emergency meeting and discuss the turn of events. The prophicised princess of peace- gone? The outcome would be terrible when the people found out. Coming to the conclusion to the answer of the problem, they agreed to say that it was Persaphone, Serenity's identical twin sister, who was stolen.
Persaphone wasn't as important, not enough to cause rouble. Giving an oath of secrecy that the information was never to leave that room, they departed. Sixteen years later, the spoiled princess is assassinated, and once again they find themselves faced with the same situation, but there was no way out of it this time...or maybe there was... Seeing the mysterious orphan girl who looked remarkably like their princess, the answer was all to clear.

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This article comes from Arias Ink

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