Date: Saturday October 19, 2002 at 09:40
Topic: News

Hiya everyone,

I've gone in and restructured the database and I'm now accepting registrations again but members are still resticted to two active accounts maximum.

You will have to log in within 30 days with a new account or else it will be disabled. Accounts not used within 60 days will go into inactive status, and those inactive for a further 30 days will be disabled.

I'm currently working on a way of you reactivating your own account. It should be up later today.

Some of you may have noticed the buttons changing. I have been working on a new theme and have been changing things here and there in preparation for it. I'm still testing it and it should be too much longer before it's up.

There's a new 'theme preview' option when choosing a theme. That's pretty much self explanatory.

That's all for now


This article comes from Arias Ink

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